How Gooroo works

    1. Step 1

      Tell us what you want to learn, and where and when you want to learn it

    2. Step 2

      Get your perfect tutor match, book them, and have a great session

    3. Step 3

      Receive timely and helpful feedback after every session

    How Gooroo tutors teach Algebra

    We set the bar for education that is honest, caring, and sustainable.

    Unlike other companies, we strive to be transparent, pay our tutors top rates, and give back to the community.

    1. Thumbs up
      Perfect tutor matches

      All the matches you receive are guaranteed to be a great fit for you.

    2. Ribbon
      Continuous feedback

      Valuable learning reports help you stay on track towards your goal.

    3. Consultant
      Personal learning consultant

      Get dedicated advice regarding classes, college admissions, and more.

    4. Heart
      Empowered and engaging tutors

      Our tutors are well taken care of so they can completely focus on you.

    What parents and students say

    100% Satisfaction guarantee

    Perfect match, guaranteed.

    If you are not satisfied with your first session for any reason, let us know and we’ll give you a new tutor match and session for free!

    Request a Tutor