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I customize my teaching style to each student’s needs and skill level, and I push students to do their best and pursue their dreams. I love teaching, and I’ve taught at debate camps and a learning center for math. I helped a student go from C/D grades to an A average when I taught him Algebra 2 by assessing and clarifying specific gaps in his knowledge.
— Jayanne F.
Columbia University
Bachelor in Biology
I enjoy seeing my students learn concepts and apply new knowledge. I use repetition, practice tests, questioning, and mistake analysis to teach my students. In the past, I helped a high school student, Hailey, ace her math class, and get into every college she applied to!
— Gadareth H.
Yale University
Master of Science in Bioinformatics (Quantitative Biology)
I always work to build strong, long term relationships with my students, especially so they feel that they can ask me questions comfortably and receive thoughtful mentoring. I have been tutoring students for four years now, and I worked as a Teaching Assistant in at Columbia for one year.
— Yvonne L.
Columbia University
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
Gooroo is such a blessing, since I cannot usually help my son with math. The tutor identified the issues my son was having and areas he was struggling in during his first session. I listened in a little and I’m so happy with how our Gooroo tutor interacts with him!
Suzanna Boyce
(Mother of son learning Math)
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