Build your understanding with our tutors online
Unlike in-person tutoring, online tutors provide you with help anywhere you have an internet connection. Whether you want to learn something new or get an extra push in a subject you are already learning, Gooroo Virtual Classroom breaks boundaries to bring knowledge straight to you.
Connect with the best tutors in the country, no matter where you are
Learn from vetted top tutors
Learn from anywhere
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A versatile virtual classroom that works for every subject
Gooroo Virtual Classroom has all the tools you need for online learning in one place. Equation tools make it easy to teach math at any level. The drag and drop feature allows language students to easily match vocabulary words and translations. Students can code with the tutor together to learn a variety of concepts in programming.
Revisit your online lessons anytime
Every online tutoring lesson is saved on Gooroo, so students can revisit it later. This helps them retain information and refresh their memory before exams. It is the reason why many students choose online tutoring over meeting in person. With all progress saved, tutors can easily create lessons that build on the previous ones to share with their students.
Our top tutors love teaching online
Isaiah Common Core Math
"Since we started doing these online sessions, one of my student’s mom only heard positive things from her son’s math teacher during parent teacher conferences. He used to be failing, and now he’s way ahead of his class."
Zeeshan SAT Math
"The interactive whiteboard feature is excellent for teaching math skills, as it allows a more direct interaction between the teacher and pupil than a simple video chat or screen sharing would."
Hope Reading and Writing
"The virtual classroom is a wonderful tool to help my students increase reading and writing comprehension. With many features, like the ability to import PDFs and edit shared documents, the site helps my students and I stay connected, even if we don’t meet in person."
Zhane Foreign Languages
"For teaching Spanish or French, it's useful to use the whiteboard to mark up PDFs and the document view to collaborate on longer writing assignments. I appreciate how you can download your work to continue the lesson at a later time and build on what we have learned previously."
Throughout the two months that I’ve worked with Jon online, my score has gone up 100 points. His way of communicating knowledge and strategies has helped me out significantly. I really appreciate everything that Jon has given me.