Match with the perfect Writing tutor for youin Long Island
Gooroo is an official vendor and partner of the NYC Department of Education.
How Gooroo works
Step 1
Tell us what you want to learn, and where and when you want to learn it
Step 2
Get your perfect tutor match, book them, and have a great session
Step 3
Receive timely and helpful feedback after every session
Featured Writing tutors in Long Island
The students I have worked with consistently get high marks on papers and standardized tests. Students frequently comment that they leave our sessions with a clearer idea of how they want to communicate their ideas. This has proved helpful in college application essays as well as papers for high school, college, and graduate school.
— Andrea F.
Columbia University
Bachelor of Arts in History
I believe that students learn best when their personal life experiences are valued and incorporated into their education. I help students improve their reading and writing skills while uncovering key literary concepts that reveal ways texts can be meaningful to them.
— Maggie I.
MA in English
I enjoy getting to know my students and figuring out their strengths and weaknesses so I can help them get the most out of our sessions. I try to pique students' interest in writing by connecting it to their hobbies. I’ve helped a student increase her grade in English from 75% to 95%, while helping college students raise their grades on papers by 10%.
— Sabrina Z.
Fordham University
BA in International Political Economy
How Gooroo tutors teach English Writing
Yes, Gooroo tutors can absolutely help you with your homework, essay, book, etc. But in the process, your tutor will also use your session time to make you an overall better writer, a skill that you’ll value for a lifetime. Here’s how.
They make writing fun and relatable
Gooroo tutors make writing fun by giving prompts and topics that relate to the student’s interests and passions, and their learning goals. For example, our tutor might prompt a student to analyze a favorite book or film, or reflect on a current event or topic that makes them enthusiastic. Or, if a student wanted to improve on her business writing, a Gooroo tutor might suggest writing about the performance of their favorite company or product.
They help students build a strong foundation
Gooroo tutors prepare students with a foundation of skills in writing that will equip them for years to come. This includes topics such as the purpose of writing, genres of writing, grammar, vocabulary/word choice, sentence and essay structure, the process of writing, and how to research. Your Gooroo tutor will make sure you learn what’s needed (and beyond!) for your age and writing level, and will work with you on a personalized plan based on your needs.
We set the bar for education that is honest, caring, and sustainable.
Unlike other companies, we strive to be transparent, pay our tutors top rates, and give back to the community.
Perfect tutor matches
All the matches you receive are guaranteed to be a great fit for you.
Continuous feedback
Valuable learning reports help you stay on track towards your goal.
Personal learning consultant
Get dedicated advice regarding classes, college admissions, and more.
Empowered and engaging tutors
Our tutors are well taken care of so they can completely focus on you.
What parents and students say
My daughter cried that she didn’t want a tutor before our first Gooroo writing session. But she had the most wonderful experience with her Gooroo tutor. Her tutor made it fun and exciting and my daughter asked right away when she was coming back. The tutor is very personable and understands exactly where and what my daughter needs help with. I highly recommend Gooroo!
Rena Shapiro
(Mother of daughter learning Writing)
Perfect match, guaranteed.
If you are not satisfied with your first session for any reason, let us know and we’ll give you a new tutor match and session for free!