Gooroo is an official vendor and partner of the NYC Department of Education.
Meet our top tutors in Math
When I teach, I give real-world examples, problem-solving tools, and explain and work hands-on with concepts. I’ve worked with students on math from elementary through high school, improving homework, exam grades, and standardized test results. I've also designed STEM curricula with the NYC Department of Environmental Protection.
— Marina L.
Barnard College
BA in Environmental Science with a minor in Mathematics
I customize my teaching style to each student’s needs and skill level, and I push students to do their best and pursue their dreams. I love teaching, and I’ve taught at debate camps and a learning center for math. I helped a student go from C/D grades to an A average when I taught him Algebra 2 by assessing and clarifying specific gaps in his knowledge.
— Jayanne F.
Columbia University
Bachelor in Biology
One of my favorite subjects to teach is math. It is my best subject and is something I am very passionate about. I have helped students who did not know how to add or subtract that can now solve much more complicated problems on their own.
— Sadia M.
BS in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Math Made Easy
Breaking down complex problems into smaller pieces
To some, math comes instinctively. For others, it takes a little more time to
understand the underlying concepts. Gooroo tutors know exactly how to get the
best out of every student, taking them from the elementary level right through
to the more complex study of math.
Not memorizing formulas, but applying them
Math isn’t an isolated subject. The various formulas and skills you gain can
help you succeed in other STEM fields. Gooroo tutors put math into a
real-world context. You won’t just get the knowledge needed to pass exams
and standardized tests, but the ability to apply what you learn throughout
your life.
Perfect tutor matches
All the matches you received are guaranteed to be a great fit for you.
Personal learning consultant
Get dedicated advice regarding classes, college admissions, and more.
Continuous feedback
Valuable learning feedback and reports help you stay on track towards your goal.
Gooroo is such a blessing, since I cannot usually help my son with math. The tutor identified the issues my son was having and areas he was struggling in during his first session. I listened in a little and I’m so happy with how our Gooroo tutor interacts with him!
Suzanna Boyce
(Mother of son learning Math)
How Math tutoring works on Gooroo
Step 1
Submit a request by telling us your needs and receive matches for free
Step 2
Choose a Math tutor you like from the matches we send you
Step 3
Receive feedback after each session and quarterly learning reports