Book and meet with tutors perfect for you
$ 150 /hour
- Our top tutors meet you at Sandbox Playground.
- Comprehensive feedback after every session.
- Dedicated personal learning consultant.
- Individualized teaching to supplement your education.
Included in your plan
Tutors who care
- Tutors who fit your schedule
- Tutors who tailor sessions to your specific learning needs
Fully-vetted tutors
- Background-checked
- Passed comprehensive interviews
- 2+ years of teaching experience
Top tutors at Sandbox Playground
- Meet in-person with your Gooroo tutor
- Utilize the Playground’s learning stations
- Clean and spacious location
Learning feedback
- Recap and actionable feedback for every session
- Insights into areas of improvement
- Assessment of soft skills and learning styles
- Use hours for 300+ subjects
- Hours never expire
- Precautionary measures such as plexiglass and temperature checks
- Socially distanced learning environment
- Cohort based learning protocol

Perfect match, Guaranteed
If you are not satisfied with your first Gooroo session for any reason, let us know and we’ll give you a new match and session for free!
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