Teaching through real-life examples
Let’s all try to recall the information we learned in class. Can you? For me, it consists mostly of isolated instances and fragments. Why so? The fact that we don’t put much of what we’ve learned in school into practice in our day-to-day live examples is perhaps the single most important factor contributing to this phenomenon. The second point is that most of the time, we were instructed to just listen, learn, and repeat what was given to us. Things that had a strong connection to actual life were more likely to remain in people’s memories for a longer amount of time. Because of this, the things that stick out in our memories are the ones that we can personally connect to.
In this article, I’m going to discuss the significance of providing the kinds of examples that can actually demonstrate how what’s being taught can be applied in real life, and I’ll also provide some of the ways in which you can bring the real world into your classroom. I’ll begin by discussing the significance of providing examples that can actually demonstrate how what’s being taught can be applied in real life.
Examples are important
Education plays a significant role in today’s technology-driven society, in which individuals are expected to be inventive, creative, and focused on finding solutions to problems. This is because the goal of education is to prepare students for life.
However, this is not the same education that we were getting in the past. In this era of information, education must not only consist of the transmission of information. But rather must foster the development of active learners. It has to assist them in acquiring explicit skills and supply tools that students would know how to use further. It is in order for them to grasp why the things they are learning are valuable and how it leads to them attaining their objectives. Including linkages to the actual world in a lesson plan is necessary in order to get the most out of student’s educational experiences.

In the past, and even today, throughout the course, via lectures and texts. We have abstract notions that might be hazy and difficult to understand. And since we seldom are able to create a clear connection between those concepts. And particular life instances, this causes us to not fully grasp how we may apply. It is what we learn in the classroom to the circumstances that we encounter in the real world.
You can avoid this situation by converting those concepts into particular examples. It is that will give real applications to the information and abilities that were available in class. It is possible that more resources may be needed, but they are the factors that will ultimately determine the outcome.
Real-world examples help grasp the concept better
It is a common misconception that information is everything; yet, in order to really benefit from the knowledge, one must be able to put it to use and communicate it effectively. You are fortunate that in this day and age. We have access to a wide variety of materials, the vast majority of which are accessible via the Internet; all you need to do is pick those that are appropriate for you and the students in your class.