Teaching kids presentation skills

Speaking in front of other people may be nerve-wracking for adults, but it can be much more so for children who have not yet developed the social coping mechanisms that adults have had years to cultivate. Fortunately, the strategies that help adults improve their presenting abilities may also be of great assistance to children while they are learning in the classroom. And what’s even better is that if you start them early, you can assist in establishing confidence that will last them their whole lives by teaching them how to communicate information successfully.

Presentation skills

Make sure that you are extremely clear when you begin your presentation by stating the opening sentence. After that, take a moment to look at the people in the room as you count for a couple of seconds. Please repeat that line one more time before beginning your presentation. This gives a solid foundation upon which to build the appropriate presentation.

If you’re feeling anxious, distract yourself by gazing around the room at your pals and supposing you’re having a conversation with one of them. The company of friends is sure to put you at ease! When you start to feel better, you should start looking about more regularly.

Presentation posture

Imagine that you are a marionette and that a string is attached to the bottom of your feet and running all the way up your back to the top of your head. You won’t forget to maintain an upright posture if you do. In addition, make sure that your shoulders are kept back and relaxed at all times. This will assist you in projecting your voice and will prevent you from being breathless while you are speaking.


Keep your feet as steady as possible for the majority of your presentation, as if you have walked on two large pieces of bubble gum and are unable to move them. After that, when it is time to switch to a new subject or the conclusion of your presentation, you may stroll to a new location on the stage and remain still once again. 


Many students, especially those of a younger age but even some adults, are scared of public speaking, despite its obvious value. Many adults still experience symptoms of this pervasive anxiety disorder.

While some youngsters are born with an innate gift for communication. And go on to pursue professions as teachers or public speakers. Others run screaming at the notion of ever having to speak in front of an audience. Youth who regularly practice public speaking improve not just their leadership skills. But also their communication skills more broadly, their sense of self-worth and confidence. Also, their organizational skills, and their capacity to clearly express their thoughts and ideas in front of an audience. One must learn and hone this skill since it is essential. It’s a skill that’ll come in handy both in and out of the classroom. Therefore, whenever you want a child to master the skills of presentation. Teach him through this guide for the best result!

About the Author

Lisa Lee

Lisa Lee

I am a Parsons School of Design graduate with a certified teacher's license. At Gooroo, my passion is to educate students through an artist's approach, which requires critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. During the elementary years, I think that students broaden their perspective and expression through art, and this skill can be applied to any other fields of study later on. I believe that a true educator can be the key to unlocking every child's potential. Gooroo is a tutoring membership that matches students to tutors perfect for them based on their unique learning needs. Gooroo offers Math, English, SAT, Coding, Spanish tutoring, and more.