Adoption: A Pet Is Not Just For the Holidays

Are you looking to get a furry friend this holiday season? Here at Gooroo, we’re big pet lovers. However, first time owners need to make sure they understand the responsibilities and life-style changes of getting a need addition to the family. In today’s blog, we talk about the value of adoption and how to be environmental responsible when getting a pet.
The Fundamentals of Pet Adoption
Essentially, pet adoption is gaining the responsibility of a pet. This animal previously belonged to another party such as a person, shelter, or rescue organisation. For the latter, the previous owners either abandoned the pet or gave it to the shelter. By adopting, new owners give these animals a new life and allow them to continue you a healthy, and loved, existence.
The Process
Depending on where you live, pet adoption can be a difficult process — especially for a first time owner. New adopters must prove they can provide a safe, secure, and permanent home for the pet. Often, this requirement is heavily assessed by the rescue organisation. Additionally, new owners must understand that they may face training or behavioural challenges with a pet who has faced neglect, abuse, or has not received training. But, don’t fear, patience, practise, persistence, and consistency of care will help the pet overcome this.
Some questions you may be asked include:
- What is your family situation? Do you have children or other pets at home? How many adults are there? Who is responsible in helping to raise the pet?
- What is your housing situation? Do you own the home or are you renting? What kind of property? Do you have access to a backyard or green space? Are you planning on moving in the future?
- What is your previous experience with pets? Do you know how to train/socialise an animal into a new family?
- What is your work situation? Are you able to assume financial responsibility? Will you be leaving the pet alone for long hours due to work?
- What kind of lifestyle do you have? Are you active/outdoorsy? Would a dog fit into your day-to-day schedule?
- Are you prepared to deal with any underlying health and behavioural issue the pet might have?

Additionally, when adopting, there is a fee which includes spaying/neutering, veterinary care including all updated vaccinations, micro-chipping, and pet insurance. However, often this is cheaper than buying a dog.
Choosing the Right Pet
Deciding what pet to take home is a daunting choice — especially if you’re an animal lover like us! If you’re a first time owner, look at breeds which are easier to take care of. Also, you should consider factors like noise, shedding, and activity requirement. Fundamentally, don’t base your choice on looks, but instead see if your personalities match.
What’s more, keep in mind that some pets have a lower chance of adoption. Consider giving a home to:
- black cats/dogs
- senior animals
- dog with disabilities
You never know who might end up being the perfect companion.

Pet Care Tips
So, you’ve gone through the adoption process and you’re ready to bring your new family member home. Well, here are some tips to keep in mind!
- Give your pet an identification tag. Put on it your name, telephone number, and address. You can also an additional tag that says that dog is chipped.
- Make sure you know the rules and regulations surrounding pet ownership. Understand the type of licensing and vaccinations required to keep your pet legal.
- Be conscientious when allowing your pet out of the home. Even the best behaved dogs should be leashed when in a community area. Additionally, do you research before letting a cat go outdoors — sometimes they can wreck havoc on the local ecosystem.
- Take annual visits to the vet. Regular check ups help pets to stay healthy.
- Feed your pet the nutrients it needs. Give a diet that suits their requirements and be careful of over/under feeding! Also, in the summer, you may want to add some water in their food to ensure they stay hydrated in the heat.
- Pets feed off your energy. Be sure to spend time with your pet and give it the love and attention it deserves. It is important to show patience and adoration.