Peace of Mind: How to Achieve it Through Meditation

Everyone wants to be happy, so much so, that happiness is a multi-billion-dollar business. Happiness mainly takes the form of the entertainment industry, but also appears in less legal or moral business models. But what is real happiness? Happiness from external sources is fleeting. You can be happy watching your favorite TV show or comedian, but the sensation quickly fades once the show is over. Genuine happiness comes from peace of mind.
What is Peace of Mind?

We’re not talking about what’s offered by the likes of insurance companies. Peace of mind is a mental state: a way of being, and it’s a choice. Anyone can achieve it, but few learn how. The modern world is full of distractions, temptations, and envy. People think that, “If I have [this],” or, “If I do [that,]” they will be happy. But true happiness [peace of mind], comes from within. This is not to say that having nice things and experiences will not improve the quality of your life. Peace of mind can enhance moments of happiness, soften the blows of misfortune, and help you find joy in things you never paid much attention to in the past.
What Obstacles Prevent Peace of Mind?
Our minds have evolved to protect us, but our processing systems are outdated. Millenia ago, all we had to worry about were dangerous animals, finding our next meal, and if that dark cloud in the sky meant we should find shelter. Your brain is hard-wired to spot potential threats, and it does an excellent job. The problem is there are so many “black clouds in the sky” today, our brains become overloaded. It’s easy to worry about everything.

We stress about work, finances, and what our friends and family think of us. Problems come from every direction, and when we succeed at dealing with one, we immediately look for the next catastrophe coming our way. This all creates feelings of stress, anxiety, and ultimately burnout. The solution is to realize that problems are not a bad thing. To find peace of mind, you must change your way of thinking and accept this as fact. Problems are a part of life and every solution brings its own problems. You must adjust how you view problems, and start to see them as learning experiences, or even fun challenges to overcome.
Mindfulness Meditation
You could pay a ‘guru’ (or one of our Gooroos!), life coach, or psychiatrist a small fortune to train you to experience a mindful state on a day-to-day basis. Or you can take as little as 10 minutes, every morning, to set yourself up for the day at zero cost to you. Mindfulness meditation is the most effective way to achieve peace of mind. It works by allowing you to approach everyday problems from a clear point of view. You’ll be able to remove yourself from the problem more easily, which can help you discover solutions you were previously blinded to. Harvard research and many individuals anecdotally have documented meditating eases stress and increases feelings of wellbeing.

Meditation is Easier Than you Think
It’s simple to learn mindfulness meditation. You don’t need years of training from a Buddhist monk to master it, as many people believe. It’s best to meditate in the morning. For many meditators, it’s the very first thing they do after waking up, even before breakfast. Here’s a step-by-step guide to walk you through a mindful meditation
First, set an alarm or timer for 10 minutes. This is important so you’re not distracting yourself by wondering when the 10 minutes is up. Next, find somewhere comfortable and quiet to sit. Beginners should sit in a comfortable chair, back straight, feet flat on the floor, head facing straight forward, and arms resting comfortably. Close your eyes and take three, slow, deep breaths. Allow your breathing to return to normal naturally.
Now focus your attention on your breathing. Do not try to control it, simply notice the sensations of the air as it passes through your nostrils and into your lungs. Try to hold your focus but don’t worry if stray thoughts wander into your brain. Acknowledge them, let them flow in and out, without reacting to them, then return your attention to your breathing. Once you feel totally relaxed, visualise a balloon in your mind. Fill the balloon with all the problems that are causing most of your anxiety.
Each time you exhale, imagine releasing one of those problems out through your lungs so that it’s expelled from your body. Repeat until the balloon is empty, then let it blow away, out of your view. Finally, visualize a warm light, getting brighter and brighter until it fills your entire world. Imagine this light contains all the possible solutions to every one of the problems you released. Let yourself absorb this light. When it has gone, open your eyes, take a deep breath, and go about your day knowing you can calmly deal with anything the world can throw at you.

Are you willing to give up 10 minutes of your morning to improve your quality of life? It may take practice, but doing this every day can help bring you peace of mind and real, lasting inner strength and happiness. If you’re looking for more feel-good mind and body practices, it can’t hurt to mix in some yoga, exercise, healthy cooking, and self-care as well!
Written by: Anonymous Gooroo Blogger