Magnets and Music Theory: Coming Soon to Gooroo Clubs

Have you been exploring the content in Music and Maker Club? Are you ready to learn something new? Well, you’re in luck! Our next release of courses includes magnets and music theory. Keep reading to recap what we’ve learnt so far and what materials you’ll need to gather for next week.
What are we Learning this Week?
This week in Gooroo Clubs, our experts led us projects ranging from musical improvisation to home-made volcanoes! First, let’s look at…
Maker Club
Juhee S. is all about bridging the gap between industry and academia with her students. This week, she embraced the science of chemical change with projects exploring reactions and transformation.
First, Juhee introduced the concept of Chemical Reactions and physical changes. By looking at colour change in pennies, we were able to observe the science ourselves! Then, we explored these changes further by building reacts and products with candies. Lastly, we erupted our own hot and cold volcanoes to study why chemical reactions occur! A wonderful accompaniment to the more physical force of magnets, showing up next week…

Music Club
Frank V. is here to get you jazzed about jazz! But first, we had to learn about Phrases & Forms: the building blocks and road maps of all music! Are they similar to sentences and paragraphs? Through musical improvisation we learn how to define and distinguish them and how to create out own.
Kicking off the week, Frank took us through the fundamentals of building music. Through tension and resolution, we begun to understand how melodies form. Next, we explored different chords within a C major scale. Thus, creating the harmony to accompany our melody. Lastly, we dove into the history of The Blues and how it guides vertical and horizontal improvisation.
Testing Your Knowledge!
Don’t forget, every time you complete a course, there is an accompanying questionnaire to test what you’ve learnt.

Magnets and Music Theory
So, what’s on the horizon for our musical savants and master makers? Well…
In Music Club, we develop our skills in Music Theory. Do you know how to read sheet music? Improve your skills in Basic Sight Reading with Gooroo Liza W. First, explore the Grand Staff and the Treble and Bass Clef. Then, learn to read and identify key and time signatures as well as deciphering intervals. End of the week by understanding basic patterns such as motion, intervals, progressions and textures. You’ll be reading and writing music like a pro in no time!
You will need:
- Piece of paper
- Writing utensil
- Keyboard or keyboard print out (for fingering)
Maker Club focuses on magnets, electricity, force, and friction – master the crucial concepts of Forces and Interactions! Gooroo Max S. starts the week discovering the power of gravity and how we move in space. He then questions how objects travel in relation to each other and acquaints us with the three types of friction forces. Lastly, we use our scientific knowledge to make our own balloon-powered car.
You will need:
- Pencil
- Paper
- Blocks
- Spring scale
- Sand paper
- Sloped surfaces
- Open floor space
- Wheels (round objects like CDs and bottle caps, etc.)
- Axles (wooden skewers, pencils, straws, etc.)
- Frame/body (plastic bottles, cardboard boxes, popsicle sticks, etc.)
- Straws
- Balloons
- Rubber bands
- Tape
- Scissors
- Spring
- Magnets
See you there!