If you’re not learning, you’re dying
Lifelong learning is a thing. Here’s why it’s important.

Why is it important?
I recently read a study on the links between retirement and death that found that when people retire sooner, they die sooner. Specifically, employees of low socioeconomic status who retired at age 55 were 60% more at risk for death than employees who retired at age 60 or 65.
60% is a big number for just 5 extra years of work, and I dug around to find out why.
After a bit more of research, I realized that it basically boils down to to one thing: an active mind keep humans healthy.
The importance of learning doesn’t just matter when you’re older, however. You’re more likely to have developed the muscle for motivation and drive if you’re continually and actively learning throughout your life. Education doesn’t end when you finish college, and why should it?
Lifelong learning outside of school
Employees are increasingly taking advantage of micro-courses, online MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), and one-on-one tutoring that either enhances their current knowledge, or helps them learn something new.
Take coding, for example. Coding workshops are popping up in every city to continue education even for non tech-driven careers. How many of you have had at least one “learn to code!” advertisement or email this week?
Or cooking classes. French 101. Yoga for beginners. Wine and paint nights. These are all forms of learning a new skill and building up that muscle for motivation and curiosity that could help you in the long-run.
Imagine learning a new skill every month for the rest of your life. Where would lifelong learning take you? Would it help you feel fulfilled? More interesting? Would you live longer?
I’m proud to announce that my company, Gooroo, has partnered with several senior centers and assisted living homes to help promote lifelong learning. Currently, over 10 centers in NYC are learning Spanish, History, Dance, Meditation, and more.
Hop over to our app to learn something new this month.