Graphic Design Is My Passion
You have heard a lot of people saying that Graphic design is my passion. But what actually is graphic designing?
Here at Gooroo, we have our own in-house expert who’s passion is graphic design. Check out Rui’s top notch courses in graphic design here!
Graphic design is a profession to create visual content to convey message. By applying visual hierarchy and page layout techniques, designers can use layouts and images to meet specific user needs and optimize user experience by focusing on display elements’ logic in interactive designs.

Graphic Design is about Making the User Experience Visually
Graphic design is an ancient craft, from the alphabet of Egyptian elephants to rock paintings at least 17,000 years old. This term originated in the printing industry in the 1920s. We will continue to cover various activities, such as creating a logo. In this sense, graphic design is about aesthetics and marketing. Graphic designers use images, colors, and printing to attract viewers. However, graphic designers engaged in user experience (UX) design need to adopt a human-centered approach to justify their style choices, such as image location and text.
In short, when creating eye-catching designs that maximize usability, you need to focus and empathize with specific users. Aesthetics must have a purpose. In UX design, you do not create artwork for your own purposes. Therefore, graphic designers need to extend to visual design. When designing for UX, you should:
Use your graphic design skills to create works, considering the entire user experience, including its visual processing capabilities. For example, if other satisfactory mobile applications cannot meet the user’s needs with a few mouse clicks, designers cannot combine graphic design with user experience. The purpose of graphic design in UX is to create beautiful designs so that users find them very interesting, meaningful, and easy to use. Work in this field, believing that graphic designing is my passion.

Graphic Design is Emotional Design
Working in the digital age means you need to design with interactive software, but the graphic design still revolves around old principles. It is vital to find the right agreement with the user briefly. Therefore, the correspondence between graphic design and emotional design is essential. Therefore, a graphic designer needs to understand color theory and the importance of choosing the correct color scheme. The color choice should reflect not only the organization (e.g., blue suit) but also the user’s expectations (e.g., red for alerts and green for continuous notifications).
When designing, consider how the elements match the tone (sans serif fonts make people feel excited and happy). Besides, when designing the overall effect and guiding users, you need to understand how to shape users’ emotions.
For example, from the login page to the call operation. Graphic designers are often involved in small screen action design. They carefully monitor how the aesthetics of the works meet the expectations of users. By anticipating user needs and thinking, you can improve your design’s usability through a smooth and seamless experience.

Create your Future in Graphic Design
There are infinite ways to use graphic design to solve business problems. It is up to you to decide what graphic design means to you and your future career. Focusing on design is a good start, but you have other natural characteristics of a graphic designer. Live the words “graphic design is my passion.”