Dog Breeds Perfect For Family Homes

Having a pet is a wonderful addition to the family. Plus, it can teach children about responsibility. But, with over 450 different dog breeds to choose from it can be hard to pick which is the right fit for your home. In today’s blog, we’ll talk about the various people-friendly dog types and how they came to be.
Why Do Dog Breeds Exist?
The dog is the domesticated descendant of the wolf. While their kind is ancient and extinct, a dog’s nearest living relative is the modern grey wolf. Tamed over 15,000 years ago by hunter-gathers, these animals have uniquely adapted to human behaviour and diet. Additionally, they are bred perform many roles for humans such as:
- hunting
- herding
- protection
- assisting the police
- companionship
- therapy
- aiding disabled people
For each breed, there is a specific standard that details the ideal specimen. The breeds are continually appearing and disappearing. Newcomers often pop up due to popularity, fashion, or to help with different jobs.

Variations in Breeds
This is how different dogs are told apart!
- Colours. Dogs come in a variety of different colour combinations.
- Coat Type. Some are hairless. Or have corded or short, single coats. Some have double, long-haired or wire-haired coats.
- Size and Weight. This can differ considerably with tiny dogs like Dachshunds and metre tall Great Danes.
It is because of their loyalty and impact on human society that dogs earned their title “man’s best friend”.

Paws Perfect for Family Homes
Interested in getting your own canine? Keep reading to see which dogs breeds are family-friendly.
Big Dogs
- Labrador Retriever. Patient, friendly, and trainable this animal is extremely versatile. They can do everything including hunting, dock diving, tracking, and obedience. Labs have high energy and play well with others. Additionally, they have a medium life expectancy of 10-12 years.
- Golden Retriever. Medium in size, this sandy-coloured dog breed is intelligent and friendly. Golden Retrievers are very similar to Labs in terms of energy, obedience, and life expectancy. The only difference is their shiny coat!
- Newfoundland. Bred to be rescuers, these big dogs are very devoted and loving. They are famously good companions.
Medium Dogs
- Beagle. Small with an easy-to-care-for fur, Beagles make an excellent addition to the family. Joyful and curious, this dog requires lots of exercise and likes to be vocal.
- Irish Setter. Perfect for active families, Irish Setters need plenty of exercise and space. Their gorgeous red coat is what really sets them apart.
- Bulldog. This wrinkly beast is loyal and adapts to most environments — city or country. Calm and courageous, bull dogs aren’t very active but do have a quiet barking level. They live to be 8-10 years old.
- Collie. Famous for their sheep-herding skills, Collies are strong, loyal, affectionate, and responsive. If your family likes to move around a lot then this is the perfect breed for you!
Small Dogs
- Pug. Described as “a lot of dog in a small space”, this breed easily adapts to all situations. They are even-tempered, mischievous, and loving. However, they require a bit more supervision with children and pets than other dogs on this list.
- Brussels Griffon. Another small dog, Griffs are perfect for apartments. They love to play and spend time with their owners.
- French Bulldog. One of world’s most popular small-dog breeds, these pets are easy going and respond well to training. They don’t require much walking and are reasonably quiet.