Teaching kids self-organization

Children who have difficulties learning and thinking may benefit from making an effort to learn self-organization. It is possible that it may need some work initially, but it will be well worth the effort in the long term. The following are some propositions for helping children improve their ability to organize their belongings at home, at school, and in other settings.

Smaller steps for self-organization

In order to make school tasks and chores more doable for children, help them break them down into smaller chunks. This will demonstrate to them that every project has a beginning, middle, and conclusion, which is one way to help reduce the feeling that the tasks are too burdensome. For instance, if one of your child’s evening responsibilities is to clear the table, you may instruct them as follows: First, scrape any food remnants into the trash. The dishes are then to be loaded into the dishwasher. After that, clean the countertops.

As soon as children have an understanding of everything that must be done to complete a certain activity, you should assist them in adding it to a comprehensive list of things to accomplish. Be sure to include regular assignments like schoolwork and housework on the list. Encourage children to maintain the list in a visible location so that they may refer to it. Apps available for smartphones might be used by some children to compile their lists. Others could jot it down on a dry-erase board that is kept in their bedroom, or they might print off a list to have with them at all times throughout the day.

Time management for self-organization

Instruct your children to jot down their significant commitments on a calendar. Then you should assist them in making an estimate of how much time will be required for each activity. After they have finished work, you should inquire as to whether or not the time estimate was correct. If necessary, provide suggestions for changes at the following time. Instructing children to write the due date immediately on their schoolwork may also prove to be helpful.


The establishment of a consistent routine may assist children in becoming more aware of what to anticipate at various points during the day. Make use of visual schedules, clocks, and several other methods for managing your time effectively.

To help children better arrange their thoughts for school tasks. Demonstrate to them how to utilize concept webs, visual organizers, and outlines. Encourage students to write notes for the class using two columns. It is one on the left for the key concepts or questions. And the other on the right for all of the specifics. Later on, when students are preparing for a test, they may look at the information. It is that is in the narrow column to review the overarching concepts and evaluate their ability to recall the specifics.

Make sure each youngster has a potential place in the house. These are where they may work without being out of the way. It is all about self-organization. It is possible that this will function most effectively if it is located nearby, in case they ever want your support. Maintain close proximity to all classroom materials as well as technological devices such as calculators, tablets, and laptops.

About the Author

Lisa Lee

Lisa Lee

I am a Parsons School of Design graduate with a certified teacher's license. At Gooroo, my passion is to educate students through an artist's approach, which requires critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. During the elementary years, I think that students broaden their perspective and expression through art, and this skill can be applied to any other fields of study later on. I believe that a true educator can be the key to unlocking every child's potential. Gooroo is a tutoring membership that matches students to tutors perfect for them based on their unique learning needs. Gooroo offers Math, English, SAT, Coding, Spanish tutoring, and more.