Teaching speaking skills to kids

There are many parents who would want to teach their children English at home, but many are unsure of where to begin. It doesn’t matter if your personal English isn’t great; you can still communicate effectively. The essential thing is that you be excited and that you provide your children with plenty of encouragement and positive reinforcement. Your kid will take up your excitement for the language as you speak it to them. Don’t be concerned if children do not immediately begin to communicate in English. They will need some time to get familiarized to the new language. Be patient, and kids will eventually learn to communicate in English on their own.

Routine and speaking

Create a schedule for your English study time at home to keep you on track. A short, frequent session is preferable to a lengthy one that occurs seldom. For extremely young youngsters, fifteen minutes is sufficient time. As your kid grows older and their ability to concentrate develops, you may progressively extend the length of the sessions. It is vital to keep the activities brief and diverse in order to maintain your child’s interest.

a girl speaking

Make an effort to do some things at the same time each day. When children are aware of what is about to happen, they feel more secure and confident. For example, you may play an English game after school every day or read an English tale to your children before night to help them improve their language skills.

If you have the room, you may set up an English zone in your house where you can store anything that has anything to do with English, such as books, games, DVDs, or anything that your children have created. Do not overlook the importance of repetition. Youngsters often need repeated exposure to words and phrases before they are ready to generate them on their own.

Games and speaking

When children are having a good time, they automatically learn. Flashcards are an excellent tool for teaching and revising vocabulary, and there are a variety of games that you can play with flashcards, such as memory-based games.


Younger children pay attention to books that are brightly colored and have beautiful images. Look at the photographs with your partner and speak the words as you point to the images on the page. When your kid is older, you may ask them to point to various objects, such as ‘Where’s the cat?’ Encourage them to speak the words by asking, ‘What’s that?’ after a period of time. Listening to tales can help your youngster get more familiar with the sounds and rhythms of the English language.

Songs and speaking

Songs are a fantastic method to learn new vocabulary and enhance your pronunciation at the same time. Songs with actions are especially beneficial for very young children because they allow them to participate even if they are unable to sing along with the song. Most of the time, the movements in the song convey the meaning of the lyrics.

No matter whatever strategy you choose, the most important thing is to relax, have fun, and make learning English a pleasurable experience for both you and your children.

About the Author

Lisa Lee

Lisa Lee

I am a Parsons School of Design graduate with a certified teacher's license. At Gooroo, my passion is to educate students through an artist's approach, which requires critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. During the elementary years, I think that students broaden their perspective and expression through art, and this skill can be applied to any other fields of study later on. I believe that a true educator can be the key to unlocking every child's potential. Gooroo is a tutoring membership that matches students to tutors perfect for them based on their unique learning needs. Gooroo offers Math, English, SAT, Coding, Spanish tutoring, and more.