Teaching kids patience

Are you attempting to instill patience in your children? Not only is patience a successful concept, but it is also a talent that must be developed. And, like any other talent, patience can be developed. There are several advantages to being patient. Patience may make a significant impact in a person’s life in a variety of ways, from the capacity to make more sensible decisions to the ability to concentrate and achieve long-term objectives. To develop patience, the most effective method is to put it into practice. However, this is easier said than done at times.

What exactly is patience?

Everyone must learn to be patient in order to progress. And do you know what else? When you learn how to be patient as a youngster, it becomes much simpler to be patient as an adult. Small children whose parents make an effort to teach patience to them while they are young will grow up to have more self-control and longer-term critical thinking abilities than other children. As a matter of fact, many child development specialists believe that teaching a kid patience is a critical phase in the growth of a child.


Small steps in patience

Most young children are not born with the ability to be patient. Those of you who have seen a toddler have a tantrum because their sippy cup didn’t materialize quickly enough may testify to this! The most effective technique to begin teaching patience to children is to take little baby steps.

Next time your 2- or 3-year-old asks for a drink or snack, tell him or her that “Yes, I will assist you!” However, proceed cautiously. Allow your kid to see that you are ‘working on it,’ but don’t rush in to assist them as soon as you can.

You may chat to your kid about what you are doing while you are “working on it.” Allow your kid to see that their request is being considered, even if it is not being completed as soon as they would have liked.

Self-control and patience 

For children, learning patience involves the realization that they can and should maintain control over their emotions and behaviors, even whether they are nervous, excited, or exhausted. It’s much simpler to say than it is to accomplish! Before you agree to your children’s demands, try to help them restore their self-control. For example, if there is only one video game controller and your kid is whining because he wants his turn, wait until he changes the tone of his voice before handing him the controller and rewarding him. This will assist in implanting the concept that acting out and being impatient is not the best method to acquire what you want in the long term.

Turn-based games

Having to wait for his or her turn for something enjoyable is one of the most effective ways to teach a kid patience, and nothing is more effective than having to wait for his or her turn for something exciting. The only way to get better at this is to put in the time and effort. If your kid has difficulty waiting for his or her turn on the swings, make more regular excursions to the park rather than fewer in order to highlight the importance of being kind and patient with other children. Your youngster will get more used to waiting as a result of the repetition.

About the Author

Lisa Lee

Lisa Lee

I am a Parsons School of Design graduate with a certified teacher's license. At Gooroo, my passion is to educate students through an artist's approach, which requires critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. During the elementary years, I think that students broaden their perspective and expression through art, and this skill can be applied to any other fields of study later on. I believe that a true educator can be the key to unlocking every child's potential. Gooroo is a tutoring membership that matches students to tutors perfect for them based on their unique learning needs. Gooroo offers Math, English, SAT, Coding, Spanish tutoring, and more.